We’ve worked hard to put together a comprehensive resource of our most common or frequently asked questions that we receive from people considering Real Estate Coaching, Real Estate Training or Real Estate Consulting services.
We hope you find the answers to your questions here, however if you don’t, please feel free to jump across to the Contact Us page and get in touch with us there, via your favourite method of communication.
Our friendly team is on standby and very much look forward to assisting you!
Do you offer Real Estate Coaching for New Agents?
Yes, we most certainly do! In fact, we are specialists when it comes to Real Estate Coaching for New Agents!
New Agents can join our industry leading, tried, and proven program, SalesBreakthrough. This is a game changer for New Real Estate Agents and is our signature, low cost, high value, high impact, coaching program for New Real Estate Agents and anyone whose been in the industry for up to that, two to three year mark. It costs little more than $3.00 per day!
SalesBreakthrough will assist you to Out-List, Out-Sell, Out-Earn your competitors and dominate your marketplace, whilst fast-tracking your real estate career. We provide agents with all the tips, tools, templates, strategies, plans, scripts, and dialogues you’ll ever need.
Guaranteed to skyrocket your industry success, SalesBreakthrough is delivered by our very own Darren M. Giles, an Award-Winning Coach and Highly Awarded Agent. We believe it’s the best 12 month ‘Sales Acceleration’ program ever, and we’re so confident, we offer a money-back guarantee.
We hope that answers your question about… Do you offer Real Estate Coaching for New Agents?
Does Real Estate Coaching work?
Yes! All our past and present clients will attest to the fact that Real Estate Coaching will work for you! Our clients achieve amazing results with our coaching and the reason is, they ‘implement’ what we teach.
You see…the results our clients achieve are NOT considered typical. Our clients are hungry and determined to be successful and will do ‘whatever’ it takes to achieve high levels of success.
Coaching alone is not a magic bullet – the magic is created when you take our 29+ years of knowledge and experience, layer it with your own, execute, implement and put in the effort it takes to achieve ‘extraordinary’ results.
You can listen to what some of our clients have to say by simply visiting the coaching page of our website to watch the video testimonials, or by reading some of the Real Estate Coaching Reviews here.
We hope that answers your question about… Does Real Estate Coaching work?
Who is the best Real Estate Coach?
Great question! The answer to this question is debateable, on many levels!
There are literally hundreds of great coaches out there in the marketplace to select from and plenty of which will claim they are the best Real Estate Coach.
However, in our opinion, the best Real Estate Coach, is the one you feel most comfortable with personally and the one who you think, can unlock your greatest human potential.
Rather than spruik about how good we are personally; we’d rather you listen to what a few of our coaching clients recently said on video, about our coaching.
Or for those of you who like to read, you can read numerous pages of Real Estate Coaching Hub Reviews and testimonials here, from our past and present clients.
We invite you to trial our services with a no-obligation Free Real Estate Coaching session and then decide for yourself – Who is the best Real Estate Coach?
We hope that answers your question about… Who is the best Real Estate Coach?
How to choose a Real Estate Coach?
Firstly, it’s very important that you’re comfortable who you choose to be your Real Estate Coach. Therefore, we offer a Free Real Estate Coaching session, so we can each assess if we are a good fit to work together, before you commit.
Secondly, it’s equally as important, to choose a Real Estate Coach who is a seasoned Real Estate professional, one who has been there and done it long before you, achieving Elite status in the industry.
And one who regularly attends continuing professional development courses and keeps up to date with industry changes, the latest tools, tips and strategies and has achieved the type of results that you would like to.
We hope that answers your question about… How to choose a Real Estate Coach?
How much does Real Estate Coaching cost?
This is possibly the wrong question! Perhaps a better question would be… What return on my investment, will I obtain from Real Estate Coaching?
You see, true professionals view coaching as an investment, not an expense!
Some of our clients will attest to having received up to a 10x times return on their investment in Coaching. Think about this…if your Real Estate Coach assists you to get one additional sale across the line, then your Real Estate Coaching is then free for the entire year and beyond. How good would that be! Well…this is a regular occurrence for our clients.
Another way of viewing it is, what will it cost you if you ‘don’t’ invest in Real Estate Coaching? Think about what you aspire to earn in a year, deduct what you are currently earning now and this is the amount it ‘could’ cost you, not to invest in Real Estate Coaching. Don’t risk it – the cost might be too high!
We suggest you call one of our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation about how we may be able to assist, in selecting the right coaching plan for you! We’ll even offer you a ‘no’ obligation ‘FREE Real Estate Coaching’ session.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Real Estate Coaching cost?
What does a Real Estate Coach do?
This is a great question! In addition to helping you run a less stressful and more profitable business, along with listing and selling more real estate, a good Real Estate Coach will help you to unlock your true potential and achieve the success, you both deserve and desire.
Your Real Estate Coach will assist in identifying what’s been holding you back and preventing you from achieving your goals. They’ll help to reset your goals, replace confusion with clarity, set a plan in place and assist you to smash your new goals, whilst keeping you accountable along the way.
As everything you discuss with your coach is 100% confidential, they can act as a great sounding board for you to bounce new ideas off, in a secure environment.
A Coach will also move you outside your comfort zone, which is a great thing, because this is where amazing happens and your growth comes from.
We hope that answers your question about… What does a Real Estate Coach do?
How often should Coaching take place?
It’s YOUR Choice! At Real Estate Coaching Hub we are totally flexible, so it’s really up to you and how fast and hungry you are to achieve the success you know you rightly deserve.
Frequency and accountability are just two of the key drivers to the success we see our clients achieve. For many clients, Weekly One-on-One Coaching tends to be what we see them choose and benefit from the most.
We offer a range of frequency and flexibility options to suit your needs, with Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or ad-hoc Casual Coaching sessions available, for you to select from. There is also the option of either 45 or 60 minute sessions.
Naturally, based on the goals you’ve set for yourself and how fast you’d like to achieve that success, we’ll provide you with our recommendation, on what we feel will be best for you. However, in the end, the choice is yours!
We hope that answers your question about… How often should Coaching take place?
Real Estate Coaching Reviews?
So, you’re looking to engage the services of a Real Estate Coach to assist you in growing your business? Great idea! It’s important when you’re searching for a real estate coach to work with, that you invest a little time to read or watch some Real Estate Coaching Reviews.
You need to feel comfortable with your choice of coach, to ensure they have the ability to push you outside your comfort zone and into your growth zone, whilst at the same time, being able to motivate, educate and inspire you to achieve your absolute best. Just as any great sports coach would do for a high performing athlete!
We feel honoured that our coaching clients consistently provide us with 4.9 Star coaching reviews. You can watch a few here, on the real estate coaching page of our website.
If you’ve got questions, when you’re ready to engage a real estate coach, feel free to reach out to one of our friendly team. At the same time, ask them to organise a Free Real Estate Coaching session for you. This will give both yourself and the coach, the opportunity to see if you are the right fit to work with each other.
We hope that answers your question about… Real Estate Coaching Reviews?
What if I can’t make a Coaching session?
Don’t worry, it does happen! At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we understand that both life and your business will throw you curve balls at times, making it difficult to keep a session ‘occasionally’.
We will always try and reschedule your session with you immediately, if you cannot make it. So that missing a session at your allotted day and time will not halt your progress.
Your Coach will confirm every session with you, 24 hours prior to your scheduled session with a confirmation SMS, so this is your opportunity to reschedule (if necessary).
We hope that answers your question about… What if I can’t make a Coaching session?
How long do Coaching Engagements last?
Ultimately our clients choose the length of their journey with us! Initially though, most fortnightly or weekly clients will commit to a 12-month period, as this is when we start seeing clients truly benefit from all their hard work and obtain return on their investment, smashing through their obstacles and road blocks, and hitting their ultimate goals.
Once you’ve had your FREE Real Estate Coaching session and have decided to move forward, based upon your goals, we will discuss our recommendations with you, on the duration of your coaching engagement.
Some of our coaching clients have been with us for more than 5 or 6 years and see value in our continuing knowledge and expertise and view us as a longer-term partner in the ongoing success of their business.
At the other end of the spectrum, some clients come to us for just a few casual ad-hoc coaching sessions to overcome some immediate challenges in their business. So, don’t worry, we’ll find somewhere in between for you.
In our experience, you’ll receive enormous benefit and value from meeting regularly with your Coach and being held accountable on a frequent basis.
Whilst you can expect results from being coached right from the outset, higher levels of achievement and success build over a period of time, so we’ll usually ask most clients to commit to at least 12 months, in order to receive the true value and benefit that coaching can deliver.
We hope that answers your question about… How long do Coaching Engagements last?
What can I expect from Coaching?
At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we only exist to see our clients excel and succeed in every area of their life and business, in every way imaginable. You’ll smash through roadblocks, learn what’s been holding you back and hit your desired goals and targets.
Our client support team are friendly and eager to assist you at any time, whilst your coach will do everything possible in their power to provide you with as much support as you require, both inside and outside your scheduled coaching sessions. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!
For those on the ‘Unlimited Support’ package, feel free to connect directly with your coach at any time you require assistance, between the hours of 7am – 7pm, Monday through Friday and occasionally on a weekend (if required), depending on your agreement with us.
Our entire team will always get back to you promptly at their earliest possible convenience if they are not immediately available when you reach out. We promise not to leave you hanging if you require assistance.
We hope that answers your question about… What can I expect from Coaching?
When will Coaching classes start?
That depends! We don’t want you waiting any longer than is necessary, however at times, due to capacity, there may be a short waiting period, as we can only work with a certain number of One-on-One Real Estate Coaching clients each year!
As soon as we give you the green light and you’ve committed to being coached and signed and returned your coaching agreement we will discuss with you a regular day and time for your classes, so we can get you started on your journey to even higher levels of success, as soon as humanly possible.
We hope that answers your question about… When will Coaching classes start?
How can results of a Coaching session be monitored?
This is easy! Directly after the completion of each coaching session, we’ll send you a quick 8 question, 30 second survey by email, which we request our clients complete and return to us, as quickly as possible.
This helps us to ensure your complete satisfaction from the session and the continuing escalation of your growth journey.
As we’ve conducted literally thousands of coaching sessions over the last 10+ years, we know whether or not, you are on or off track, to reach your goals.
Additionally, it’s important to know that we will do whatever we can, to hold you accountable to your coaching commitments. The rest is up to you!
We hope that answers your question about… How can results of a Coaching session be monitored?
Is Real Estate Coaching worth it?
It sure is! But then again, you could say that we’re biased, so we’d rather you hear from some of our past and present coaching clients.
Please visit the Real Estate Coaching page of our website to watch some of the video testimonials. On the Reviews page of our website you can read countless testimonials, from clients who will attest to the enormous value they’ve received from our Real Estate Coaching.
If you’re truly ready to unlock your full potential, learn what’s holding you back, smash through your roadblocks and learn the secrets to listing more, selling more and growing the business of your dreams, then we are confident that you too, will find Real Estate Coaching worth it!
We hope that answers your question about… Is Real Estate Coaching worth it?
Do I need a Real Estate Coach?
Well do you? This is not really a question that we can answer for you. The best way for us to answer this question, is to have you do a little exercise.
You first need to understand and acknowledge where you are currently at in your career, think about what’s preventing you from achieving what you’d like to, and answer these questions below, for yourself…
How ambitious are you? How hard are you willing to work to achieve the results you desire? How hungry for higher levels of success are you? Do you feel stuck in your growth trajectory at present? Are you tired of seeing competitor agents with less skills, talents, knowledge and experience, out-list, and out-sell you? Do you feel frustrated that no matter how hard you work, you just can’t seem to break through your current earnings ceiling? Are you working too many hours, or potentially even 7 days per week? Do you feel that you can achieve what you desire, if only you knew what was preventing you, or holding you back?
If you answered yes to some, or almost all these questions, then you’ve just answered your own question – Do I need a Real Estate Coach?
We suggest you call one of our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation about how we may be able to assist you moving forward! We’ll even offer you a ‘no’ obligation ‘FREE Real Estate Coaching’ session.
We hope that answers your question about… Do I need a Real Estate Coach?
How do I prepare for a Coaching Session?
This is simple! We’ve made this as easy as possible for you, by creating a Coaching Preparation Form for you to complete and return to us, prior to each of your coaching sessions.
This form helps you to get your head in the game and identify your immediate challenges, what you’d really like to get out of your session that week, along with helping you to acknowledge your successes since your previous session, and what you’d like to be held accountable for, moving forward?
Once you return this to us, it ensures that we are fully briefed and prepared to deliver you a high impact coaching session right from the get-go!
We hope that answers your question about… How do I prepare for a Coaching Session?
What types of Real Estate Education and Training do you provide?
Great Question! At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we offer a variety of services including, Real Estate Coaching, Real Estate Sales Training, Real Estate Consulting, and services for New Real Estate Agents with our unique Sales Breakthrough program.
Our written word has been picked up by international media organisations and published globally, whilst we often write and publish email newsletters and quality educational blog posts on both our website and through various social media channels.
All of which are available to Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Sales Consultants, Sales Managers, Real Estate Principals and Business Owners, and House and Land Sales Consultants.
Our Real Estate Training can be delivered both online and, in a class-room style environment. Call one of our friendly team today to find out more!
We hope that answers your question about… What types of Real Estate Education and Training do you provide?
How much does Real Estate Training cost?
Good question! This depends on several variable factors. Do you require a one-hour training session (great for Sales Meetings), a half-day training session or a full day training session? Don’t worry, if you’re unsure, our training needs analysis, will help discover the answer to this question for you.
Our Real Estate Training can be delivered both online or live in a classroom style environment, either on your own premises, in a hired training venue or conference room of your choice.
Then there are other factors to consider, like catering for your training attendees, printing of workbooks, travel, and accommodation expenses for the trainer, depending on the location of the training. As we are available to deliver customized Real Estate Training, Australia wide.
The best way to completely understand what it will cost to have us deliver training for you, will be to call our office and organise a confidential chat with our Head of Training and Real Estate Growth Consultant, Darren M. Giles.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Real Estate Training cost?
How to get Real Estate Training?
If you are a Real Estate Franchisor, a Real Estate Business Owner and Principal, or maybe even a Sales Manager looking to get great Real Estate Training for your team, then you’ve come to the right place.
At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we provide customized and tailored training solutions for your real estate salespeople, that deliver fast, actionable, and measurable results to you and your team.
No group is too large or too small. We can cater from a few to a few hundred and we’ll commence our conversations with you, by seeking your assistance to complete a training needs analysis, so we can accurately diagnose, exactly the ideal training solutions for your team.
We can deliver a one-time training session, or put together a structured learning series, the choice is yours!
Please reach out to one of our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation with our Head of Training and Real Estate Growth Consultant, Darren M. Giles. We look forward to serving you!
We hope that answers your question about… How to get Real Estate Training?
What is the best Real Estate Training program?
The answer to this question is simple! We believe the best Real Estate Training program, is one that is customized and tailored to the individual needs of your sales team members.
You see…no two marketplaces are the same when it comes to selling real estate and therefore your training needs will vary accordingly, in part, to the state of your local marketplace.
We will sit down and discuss with you the experience of your salespeople and their learning needs, as part of a full training needs analysis. From there, we will then design the best Real Estate Training program, that is customized and tailored to your individual specifications.
Over the last 10+ years, we’ve found that this approach by far and away, delivers the absolute best results and provides an outstanding return on investment, in your most valuable asset – your people.
We hope that answers your question about… What is the best Real Estate Training program?
Who has the best Real Estate Training program?
Do you really have to ask – we do of course! Now seriously, did you expect us to say something different?
Ok…truthfully, the answer to this question is debateable, not because we believe we have the best training here at Real Estate Coaching Hub, but because when you ask the question about who has the best Real Estate Training program, it depends on how you qualify this. What are the necessary prerequisites in your opinion?
We can’t speak for others, but what we can tell you, is that we survey all our training attendees immediately after completing every training session and the feedback we receive, consistently sees our real estate training services rated 4.5 Stars.
There are a great many companies in the marketplace who provide excellent real estate training and we are just one of them. If you’d like to discuss your individual needs, then please reach out to one of our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation with our Head of Training and Real Estate Growth Consultant, Darren Giles. We look forward to serving you!
We hope that answers your question about… Who has the best Real Estate Training program?
What are the resources required for Training?
Great Question! With our Real Estate Training, we endeavor to make things as easy as possible for you, by providing almost all the resources required for training. Should we require you to provide any specific resources, we’ll advise you immediately.
Otherwise, once you’ve organised catering and the training venue for your Real Estate Sales Training, we’ll take care of the rest.
This includes the preparation of a Master Training Workbook (for half-day and full-day training sessions) which you can use to print the appropriate number for the attending members of your team. Along with the provision of various templates, tools, plans, documents, reports, letters, scripts and dialogues etc. necessary to deliver a high impact training session.
We hope that answers your question about… What are the resources required for Training?
How much does Real Estate Consulting cost?
Great question! The cost of our Real Estate Consulting services very much depends on several variables. Whether it’s project or needs based, short term or long term and whether we deliver the project as a sum of parts or in whole. Our Real Estate Consultancy can be tailored to suit your budget, no matter what your requirements.
We will generally sit down with you and identify the scope of works, along with your desired outcomes, before making any recommendations and proposals as to how we plan to deliver and perform the services. From there we will provide you with a customized quote.
Darren Giles our resident Real Estate Growth Consultant is a MAUS Certified Business Advisor with almost 30 years of industry and business experience.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Real Estate Consulting cost?
What is Real Estate Consulting services?
Another great question! For us, our Real Estate Consulting services or Real Estate Consultancy as it’s otherwise known, is an individually tailored solution designed to ideally maximize, leverage, improve, grow, and scale your business, inline with your mission, vision, values and organizational goals.
Often our clients will utilize our Real Estate Consulting services to assist them in exiting their business or to acquire another. Whilst others will tap into our in-depth market knowledge and experience to help them identify key areas of opportunity to improve systems, procedures, people, performance, and profit.
Operationally, our services can also serve to assist in de-risking the business by implementing analysis of, and structure into the organization where needed. This then facilitates a reduction in our client’s stress levels and allows them to take back control of their business and their personal lives.
We hope that answers your question about… What is Real Estate Consulting services?
What kind of Payment Methods do you accept?
At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we understand that simplicity and ease of payment is important to our clients, therefore we offer you the ability to choose the payment method and frequency that best suits you.
Whether this be by direct debit from your bank account or by swiping your credit card via one of our PCI DSS compliant merchants. Rest assured your payments are safe and fully secure.
As a bonus, we also offer Consumer Financing options too! Please let us know if you’re interested in this facility.
We hope that answers your question about… What kind of Payment Methods do you accept?
What does 30 Day Money Back Guarantee mean?
Great Question! Put simply, when you commit to our Fortnightly or Weekly one-on-one Real Estate Coaching services, we don’t want you to worry about whether or not, coaching will work for you.
To counteract this and have you focus on getting the best possible value from your coaching, we are offering a 100%, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on these services. As we are confident, you’ll benefit from our wealth of knowledge and experience, if you put in the effort and play full out.
We hope that answers your question about… What does 30 Day Money Back Guarantee mean?
How does Price Lock work?
Great Question! Are you familiar with how Insurance works by way of stepped or level premiums? If so, then think along similar lines as level premiums, with our unique Price Lock Guarantee.
What it means is that, if you are receiving fortnightly or weekly coaching sessions, then for as long as you remain a ‘continuing’ client, we will never raise the price of your coaching sessions. Unlike other coaching companies who raise their prices every year.
Effectively, you benefit from your Price being Locked and therefore as you become more successful because of your coaching, then the value you receive from your coaching and your return on investment, exponentially increases. Which in-turn then helps to drive down the cost of the sessions, leaving them as almost neutral.
We hope that answers your question about… How does Price Lock work?
How can I ask a question?
Easy! We’ve worked hard to build a great resource of our most Frequently Asked Questions, here on our FAQ page, however if you don’t see the answer to the question you’d like to ask, then simply jump across to our Contact Us page, where you’ll find it super easy to ask your question.
Once there, you’ll be able to choose your favourite contact method and you can be rest assured that one of our friendly team will provide you with a prompt answer to your question.
At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we look forward to serving you and answering any questions you may have!
We hope that answers your question about… How can I ask a question?
What are your hours of operation?
Thanks for asking! At Real Estate Coaching Hub, we love nothing better than to serve our clients! Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday 7am – 7pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
With the very nature of real estate, we like to be as flexible as possible and make it easy for our clients to contact us. Hence our team’s availability 12 hours per day, throughout the regular course of the business week.
For our One-on-One Real Estate Coaching clients, depending on whether or not you are on the Unlimited Support plan, you may have the ability to contact your coach directly, on either a Saturday or Sunday, or both. Please refer to your coaching agreement for clarity.
We hope that answers your question about… What are your hours of operation?