Step 1 of 4 25% 1. Does your team provide a first class customer service experience (CX) with efficient outcomes to your clients?* Yes No 2. Do you utilize technology consistently and well in your business with operational business systems, processes and procedures?* Yes No 3. As your team is the key to driving business performance, do you feel you’re getting value from your investment in your people?* Yes No 4. Does your team consistently meet their job responsibilities and your expectations of them?* Yes No 5. Do you have a problem with staff retention in your business?* Yes No 6. As the business owner, do you feel you are receiving a decent remuneration as an owner operator, working in the business on a day-to-day basis?* Yes No 7. Do you feel you are receiving an adequate return on investment, from both the time and the funds you have invested in the business?* Yes No 8. Do you operate a solvent business; i.e. consistently meeting all your current financial commitments?* Yes No 9. Do you achieve your financial projections and budgets, each time they’re set?* Yes No 10. Given that Cashflow is the life blood of your business, do you feel you have a strong Cashflow?* Yes No 11. In relation to Cashflow, does the business experience periods of tight or restricted Cashflow, that threaten the safety and survival of the business?* Yes No 12. Do you consistently have sufficient Cashflow to meet all your financial and statutory obligations, such as payment of Wages & Salaries, BAS, GST, Taxes, Superannuation, Insurances, Long Service leave etc.?* Yes No 13. Do you feel the business is vulnerable in relation to outside events, or events outside of your control, e.g. a Global Pandemic, an extreme weather event etc.* Yes No 14. Does the culture inside your business promote a positive, healthy, open and interactive team environment, that is rewarding for both the business and the individual employees that work within it?* Yes No 15. If asked, do you think your employees would feel their contribution was both appreciated and valued as part of your team? * Yes No 16. Do you actively, monitor, measure and/or survey your clients seeking feedback, for satisfaction of services provided by your team?* Yes No 17. Or would you prefer to manage reactively, only becoming concerned and acting when receiving a complaint, if a clients expectatons are not met?* Yes No 18. Do you have a problem with client retention in your business?* Yes No 19. When it comes to daily organisation, do you feel your team is in control of the day-to-day activities of the business?* Yes No 20. Do you feel your team has all the necessary tasks planned, scheduled and prioritized for business efficiency?* Yes No 21. Do you seek external advice and have active processes in the business, that supports compliance, organisational resilience, strategy and the identification and de-escalation of risk? * Yes No 22. Are you maintaining and growing the asset value of your business annually?* Yes No 23. Do you have a Business Plan in place that is regularly updated at least annually, with marketing, budgeting and forecasting included?* Yes No 24. Do you have a Business Succession Plan in place?* Yes No 25. If you had better business skills, do you think you could run, manage, grow and scale a more profitable and saleable business, than what you presently may do?* Yes No Thank You for completing the Quiz Please enter your details below to have the results of this quiz emailed to you. Plus we’ll tell you how you can improve your skills to really take your business to the next level!Full Name*Email Address* Contact Number*Privacy Policy* ACCEPT WEBSITE TERMS & CONDITIONS ACCEPT PRIVACY POLICY